Delhi Police arrested Ravi Inder Singh, a senior IAS officer posted in the Home Ministry, for allegedly selling information to corporates. He was the officer handling the MHA's talks with BlackBerry.

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All are exploiting their position as they can to earn quick money.

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There is no end to corruption. I suggest that link between government and autonomous govt bodies and corporates should be broken. Already there are rules about judges. They cannot contact general public. similar rules should be for govt. officials. If there are less contacts, there will be less corruption. Death penalty should be introduced for corruption.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree with Gulshan that there is really no end to corruption and professions like Doctor, IAS, CA which need good character are also filled with people who can lost their character just for money. :angry:
There is corruption everywhere......All the ministers, most of the govt. officials are corrupted.....they are just in a run to make easy and fast money....
I really wonder whom do we need to point out as a good leader to the upcoming generation?.
Another shameless officer! Things look so horrible on the corruption front!!
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