
All we read but how many of us truly reflect on what we read and Edmund Burke's quote in this regard is truly memorable.What do you think?

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This is a very apt and inspiring quote. We need to thoroughly read the contents of a book or article and critically examine and form views. This is as necessary as to digest food we eat.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a nice quote Chinmoy!! Reading something only to pass time and forgetting everything the moment you put the book away does not give you any benefits of reading, the same way as eating food that you fail to digest does not give you any nutritional benefit.

As the food should benefit the body, a book should provide food to your brains to give you knowledge and awareness.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I remember the teacher of my school days who used to say that don't read lines,try to read what is there between them!
It is indeed a nice quote shared by you,Chinmoy.When you read a book try to analyze the ideas and take good things from it. :) :)
Yes it is very good thing if we attain somthimg while reading it. Good quot by chinmoy..
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