Middle aged women may suffer chronic back pain if they spend long hours surfing the internet, say experts.


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Thanks for sharing this very useful link,Abid! They should avoid hours at a stretch!
Yes, even I personally feel it when I work continuously for 2-3 hours. :(
I think ladies are more vulnerable to back pains and this add more to it.

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I think it's a common problem for both and it all depends on how many hours we spend on it and the wrong postures and positions of our body also contribute to this!
Yes, It is major problem faced by women..and also men..improper posture is also one reason..
May be true for men as well. What do you say?

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Yes i think mens are also vulnerable to this back pain problem...But womens do have it mostly after their pregnancy...
And long hours on the net do worsen the back problem...
Yeah! I have already mentioned that it cuts across all sections of people!
As kavitha said it is very much common among women after the child birth.There are specific exercises to strengthen the back and abdomen. :)
Back pain as a result of continuous surfing is not gender specific. The study was conducted on women only and hence the result. But similar results should be among men as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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