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Hello God's Favt. Child,

That is why I have posted this threads.

Lt us prepare ourselves to attack our enemies en-mass and stop them from taking us for granted.

We are not cowards... :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
I understand that,,do you have any strategies for that or did you ever face this situation??/

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Yes, if the crowd stands up and fight together there is no way we would face such problems. But, who would stand up first?

That is the problem. Each person will wait for someone to speak out, so that when there is a majority, then they would also participate.
We may arrange mock practice drill that should be conducted by security forces for the masses and train the masses how to face such situations...

Harish Jharia
Yes that sounds like a good thought. Providing training to military people is not enough for the security of the country.
I keep patient if thing is right and if wrong then my patient break i feel i do something for that but if person is more powerfull then me then i do go to oppose them but other way to stop them i can try.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Most of the atrocities in India done only by people who are both rich in Man power and money only that speaks here..But yes if people are given the enough training they can do...I think we can also start a force called civilian power by grouping youth in each state who act like representatives for all other civilians...Think this may work.. :unsure: :unsure: :dry: :dry: :dry:


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