How long can you tolerate injustice done against you?

How long can you keep your mouth shut looking at someone doing cruelty to small kids?

How long would you control yourself if you witness some goons molest modesty of a girl?

What are your limits of patience...?

Harish Jharia
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Well, its not an easy question. Is it that you are trying bring any such incident to our notice?
What happened ? Anything in this site or outside ?Injustice is not a new thing in India now.Others also repeats and repeats.

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Hello friends,

My aim for starting this thread is to convey a message that we should not be a silent spectator to incidents of injustice done to others in our presence.

We should also not offer other cheek if someone slaps us across our faces.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
It is not feasible or useful to show personal anger in individual matters. In extreme cases, we may report to police or the NGOs concerned. It is more useful to take collective actions in matter of cruelty to children, animals, civic amenities,traffic problems etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Tell me Harish how would you like to contribute to this factor ? Do you have any particular thoughts in mind ?
Hello gulshan,Anusha,

Sometimes I think about the ghastly massacre done by a couple of terrorist at a railway station on 26 / 11,
I just imagine if the crowd in hundreds, on the railway station, had attacked the terrorists, then there would have been lesser casualties.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Very nice thought Jharia. If crowd attacks the terrorists, there would be wonder. The terrorists would be terrorized.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Hello gulshan,

Thanks for understanding me...

We always worry about ourselves and get alarmed when incidents already occur and do damages. Moreover our memory is too weak. We just forget these mishaps and do not work on remedial measures.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
This thought of yours really reminds me of the film "A wednesday" which inspired me a lot..which portrays the angst of a common man..but do you think that can happen and we can do it..

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It's really pathetic that most of us forgot everything that our India went through from the Bhopal tragedy to Mumbai attacks..we are still in the process of punishing those who are responsible...why is that justice is so late in our country...why are even terrorists who are ruthless given chance to live...


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