Some of us go to restaurants in weekends; take dinner and leave the tables with 100 rupees tips...

Do we forget that there are millions in India who could survive individually with that amount for 2 - 3 days...?

Harish Jharia
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There are divergent opinions on the matter of tips. I also give tips. Tips depend on your bill. when you pay restaurant bill of Rs. 1,000/- Rs. 100/- is trifling. I think it is better to give small tips and gifts to those who matter to us and work. It is no use wasting money on beggars, temples and shrines.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never give any tips because so far i have not been completely satisfied with any restaurant customer services.
anusha M. It is not possible that any restaurant is not good or allwaitors are bad. I think you are just visiting nearby restaurant that suits you but you don't like the services. It also appears that you will pay tip if satisfied with service. It aklso shows you are a vey hard task master and a strict boss.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes you can say that. I might have visited only a few and therefore did not say that all the restaurant services are bad. I actually did not say they were bad also. All the waiters obviously do their duties properly. it is the behavior of restaurants (of not maintaining the same quality all the time) that irritate me so i stopped giving tips. Once again, it is only some restaurants though.
I THINKS GIVING Rs100/- AS TIPS IS A BIT TO MUCH...Till now I have never seen any customer services that were astounding...but I am not against giving tips and also I think It's better to give money to charity than tips at hotels..Nothing gets waste for that matter... Actually You are giving where you give it depends on you...

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We must understand that these tips go to the waiters who are obviously not rich people.They too might be struggling to live a proper life.So by giving tips we are actually helping someone.
Now if you say that we must save that money and give it to poor,its something else.It depends on the person also.For someone who don't bother about poor,giving tips is great deed because they are still helping somebody.
So a person who does no charity work,a 100 rupee tip is a charity.
For someone who does charity work,they should not give a 100 rupee tip and must save for the real poor and needy.
It depends on persons!
I gives tip rarely due to Anusha's same experience. Once in our capital city a waitor begged for tip !!! Here I think the bill may be Rs 5000 for a gettogether meeting or something like that and paid tip Rs100. If not that tip is too high because they may expect same from all and may get frustrated on not getting the same.

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