The US President Barack Obama, who won 53 percent of the country's votes in the 2008 election, has begun losing popularity.

Most Americans would replace Obama in the next election, found a new poll by Politico/George Washington University.
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Here is the link,friends.
thanks for sharing the information and the link nagalakshmi....that's really a bad thing for obama...
I think the answer is YES...

Not only for the Americans, I think this is the common opinion overall the world... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think now-a-days people are more interested in experimenting..this is one example to prove it...
This is nothing unusual and the hazards of an incumbent president!
It was said that in election he has break the records of all the previous presidents but i think now he will break another record it he is lost his position ....
It's too early to think whether he would get another term but popular opinion is still in his favor!
As Rajani stated People always love to experiment.I have also heard that some circulate jokes targeting Obama.
Yes thats true.... I too heard many jokes regarding Obama...

Not only that many of the American's were not satisfied with his rule... They were not satisfied with his steps on inflation.... They say that even though he pumps money to control inflation, this would not work!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Let us not forget the terrible mess he inherited from his predecessor Great Bush!!
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