Choosing a friend is a job not that easy and my concluding post of the day is all about remembering what Franklin said in this regard:Be slow in choosing a friend,slower in changing."

Good Night to all of you!
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While i couldnt understand the intention of franklin..but in todays world whether we choose slowly or fastly the result is same in case of friends...

I know most of the people dont agree with my opinion but i think even after thinking we may most end with wrong choice..

Good night Chinmoy.. :)
Thanks for the quote Chinmoy. We cannot choose our parents but we have the privilege to choose our friends. So, it is better to be wise while choosing friends.He/She should not only share our happiness but also our sorrows.
Good night Chinmoy. Hope to see more views of other members in the morning. :) :)
Ya thats true chinmoy, its a real good quote. But we should make sure that slowness in choosing a friend shouldn't be our weakness.
That's gem of a quote and is so true! But my experience is that no matter how wise you may seem at first when choosing friends, there is only a one in a million chance that you have chosen correctly! Most often, the choice seems to be a bad one!

Really really true friends are extremely hard to come by!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks for sharing this good words from Franklin.Is it Benchamin Franklin?

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