please share your worst experiance in internet.It can be anything like getting a virus,loosing money,landing in a scam site,passwrod lost,account hacked..anything..and tell us what you did and also your suggestions.

My experiance...i was searching for a file and reached a webpage.I saw only one button in that page which read "download the file".I dont know what i was thinking at that time.i just downloaded it by saving the i didnt run the file.only saved it...later i took my time and double clicked on the file :silly: .Nothing happened.So i thought it was not working.
well...then came a BIG Popup!!! :lol:
malware found
spyware found!!!
my was not stopping...i immediately scanned with caught some of it..but not all..system was so slow..Sine i had not much information in my system..i formatted it then and there itself!!
wat a waste of time.! :huh:
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My worst experience was with yahoo answers. I had secured about two thousand points. I happended to answer a question by giving link to a money making site. somebody complained. My account was deactivated. Just for one small offense, I was penalized heavily. Then I opened a new ID and commenced from the beginning. again I have secured there many more points. apart from yahoo answers, now I am active on Boddunan and

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It was not a worst but a sad experience that I sufferred from

After joining the web site for free, I actively posted my articles roughly about 200.It is a site based in Massachusetts, US and dominated by people from US.Meanwhile, my articles got a very good rating, most of them between 1 to 3 among bulls and bears.Very soon I got two stars and then three stars and sometimes even four stars.In a month or two I would reach 5 stars, the maximum rating for a writer.When my income steadily increased, the site even offered upfront payment for my articles, by virtue of my rankings.Within few months,my income was around $ 80.I can still remember, as soon as I got the news from paypal that Helium had credited my account around $ 80 within a few months of my joining Helium, I was elated.Within a few days,I got the amount credited into my bank account.For a few days I was simply flying for my achievement; I was assured of a steady income.I was even planning how to invest my income in the ensuing months.Getting an additional income of Rs 4.000/- or Rs 5,000/- that too by freelancing was by no means a mean achievement.

After a week, I woke up early in the morning at 0300 A.M.Took my position before my computer with the fervent hope of posting my articles from one per day to at least two per day.I was not greedy but only tried to improve my performance.

It was 0310 A.M.I browsed and reached the site Helium.Then I tried to log in to my account for posting an article.To my dismay I could not log into my account.I tried in vain time and again.I also sent a number of messages to the Helium admin expressing my inability to log in to my account.After two days, I got a message from Helium stating that for the time being the site was made available only for the US citizens and in future they might consider opening their sites in other countries including India.

Then only I realized that it was the recession in the US that played havoc with my writing ambition and earning prospects.

It was an utterly shocking news to me.For a week I did not speak with anybody.I did everything mechanically.

However, I did not loose my hope.Still I believe that I can achieve something as a writer.Joining this site was also in the pursuit of my dream of writing; I also have another dream : getting my articles published in the magazines.I hope that I will achieve my ambition very soon.After all we are all living here only by believing in something. Is it not?
hi Ramalingam
that was really sad..anywas past is past and now look what we have got here...a good indian site..You can publish and flourish in i believe.
all the best
I didn't had any such(worst) experience..
I have been cheated by couple of websites.. for example-, etc..

But I have also earned from few websites.. So comparatively I have been benefited more than having loss.

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Thank you MC.First of all I need to accommodate myself to this web site; then only I may become a regular writer in this web site.
I don't think I've ever had any bad experience with the internet. I've been a bit conservative with my approach, yet I've a lot of good experiences to share like meeting old friends, making new ones, learning new things, chatting, e-mailing, earning a little money online and so on..
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