14 years ago
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14 years ago
The Cuban socialist economy is in great trouble and thus forcing the government to court privatization.
14 years ago
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]However vociferous our red-hot communists of India may cry things are changing and changing very fast.The Cuban government is planning to lay off more than half a million people from the public sector in the hope that this brigade would move into private sector businesses!!![/quote]
We often take Russian model as standard Communist or socialist system. Karl Marx wrote- Das Capital. He has nowhere argued in favour of state enterprise. Socialism simply means- From each according to his ability and to each according to his work. when socialist state further develops, the maxim will be- From each according to his ability and to each according to need. Keeping in view these broad principles, any procedures may be followed. The best way to bring equity is to increase the common facilities like parks, old age homes, public transport etc. Privare management of economy is not against socialist principles.
[quote]However vociferous our red-hot communists of India may cry things are changing and changing very fast.The Cuban government is planning to lay off more than half a million people from the public sector in the hope that this brigade would move into private sector businesses!!![/quote]
We often take Russian model as standard Communist or socialist system. Karl Marx wrote- Das Capital. He has nowhere argued in favour of state enterprise. Socialism simply means- From each according to his ability and to each according to his work. when socialist state further develops, the maxim will be- From each according to his ability and to each according to need. Keeping in view these broad principles, any procedures may be followed. The best way to bring equity is to increase the common facilities like parks, old age homes, public transport etc. Privare management of economy is not against socialist principles.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
Maybe privitisation is good..Thanks for sharing chinmoy.. :) :)
14 years ago
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Maybe privitisation is good..Thanks for sharing chinmoy.. :) :)[/quote]
Privatization enables better utilization of resources especially human resources. It is possible to use same set of personnel in various organization. In absence of privatization, the Govt departments and bid private companies would have to engage men for every job even if they had not sufficient work for them.
[quote]Maybe privitisation is good..Thanks for sharing chinmoy.. :) :)[/quote]
Privatization enables better utilization of resources especially human resources. It is possible to use same set of personnel in various organization. In absence of privatization, the Govt departments and bid private companies would have to engage men for every job even if they had not sufficient work for them.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
14 years ago
My point is that Indian communists are theselves not sure of what they preach and what they practise.The command economy is a salient feature of any communists-ruled country.The erstwhile USSR collapsed because its leaders' failure to curb corruption and econoomic stagnation that the system entailed and China moved away from the communist path of development quite a way long way back.
My point is that Indian communists are theselves not sure of what they preach and what they practise.The command economy is a salient feature of any communists-ruled country.The erstwhile USSR collapsed because its leaders' failure to curb corruption and econoomic stagnation that the system entailed and China moved away from the communist path of development quite a way long way back.
14 years ago
I think privatization would bring some positive change in the cuban economy. :)
14 years ago
It's the pragmatic lesson the Cuban leaders have learnt after experiencing the darker sides of excessive state control.
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