The IIT council ,the apex decision-making body has given permission to teach medicine provided the same is approved by the Medical Council of India.
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This is not a wise decision taken by Kapil Sibal.Already there is a brain drain as all IIT'ians are serving abroad.what would be the case if IIT's start medical courses too?
The entrepreunership would have been highly patronised with faculty, student and techical staff of each department participating. STEP needs an overhaul for that.
Also,there is a proposal that the deciding factor to join IIT is the student's class 12 marks and an aptitude test. I really don't know when they are going to stop recruiting students based on marks? :(
hmm i dont know if this is a good option for the well known technology and engineering institute.
hmm.. :huh: :blink: I too dont find it as a wise decision and already according to standard Indian Educational institutions are struggling to improve its position in world ranking...
The proposal looks good on its face but I doubt the wisdom of it.Let the IITs be what these are! Let them excel in the field of technology.
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