These are famous comments made by George Bernard Shaw.I would appreciate receiving your comments and views.
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Yes what i understood is man expessess all his emotions and reveal many unknown things only when others oppose. :P :)
and it is true :lol:
I think this statement is totally true.. :)

Hanuman from Ramayana epic can be an example for this!!! :P :P

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Is this applicable for only men or it applies to both men and women. ?:)
Only when we argue with the person who contradict with our thoughts we can learn more from him. :)
Ya thats true.. Until anyone is provoked, no one will speak out...
You are bang on,Nataraj!


I presume it applies to both and the author's leaving out the fair sex was not deliberate.
Hello friends I think this is right.
Men are not so talkative as women are.They speak when they feel necessary to speak. Adhere to this, when their ego is heart or they become emotional or they get excited, in a particular situation, they speak out.
In short, they speak for some reasonable and productive means.
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Men are not as talkative!!! Hmmmm! I earned the nickname "CHATTERBOX" at a fairly young age!!
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