Here is the rags-to-riches story of an extremely talented boy from a small village in Tamil Nadu who has risen to be the chief executive officer of a company in Seattle, USA.

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such news gives us positive outlook towards life .so keep posting sajeetharan.

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
inspiring story, but sadly everyone cannot have the same success story thats why the welfare state was born
good news sajee keep share like this............................
Great piece of information! It should inspire one and all.If one has the right determination nothing can deter him or her to achieve the coveted goal!Thanks!
there are millions of poor folks like that in india , who work their ass off but are still not able to make the ends meet . Forget a nice shelter
I don't believe we have millions of them with such steely determination.

Ok ok..My statement was wrong. Say it was thousands!!

It's true that we have good numbers of talented people and who can not make it in life as they are denied the right facilities for their talents to blossom.Here we have one of them who has made it big in life.Let's salute his achievements.
That is good and common news i think harwork and determination is needed for success.
Thanks for sharing Sajee..
Thanks for sharing the information sajee. It gives a positive energy to work hard and win. :) :)
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