Dear friends who ever posting articles here please use some good key words so that you can get easy traffic to your articles and search engine will keep boddunan article on Top so that we xcna get good traffic and boddunan will earn more money so that we can get more benefit because boddunan is sharing its revenue with us.
To find out some good key words for your article please check out this link
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You are absolutely correct Das. However, the more interesting the article is the more the members come here and will improve the traffic.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I think he has done well to remind us this vital aspect.Appropriate and imaginative use of keywords in our works can trmendously help in boosting up traffic.Thanks!
i think he is correct
The key words attract the readers and give traffic. The key words should be such as to honestly give clue of the topic. If the readers click an article on basis of an attractivekey wordbut find that article is not really about the selected key word, theywill feel cheated and ultimately the author will be loser. This is like some body going to movie on basis of poster.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Keywords will help readers to find out there need articles, such as if I am writing about importance of life insurance but there is no good key words so my article will never get a hit and search engines will never keep my articles on top.
But if we use good key words like importance of life insurance, life insurance companies in India or Life insurance premium then our article will come in search engine top list after tat reader will find and decide whether he was searching for that information or something else
Dear Gulshan you can see advertisers also like to show ads when they find some good key words .
I know we are here to earn some money but also to fulfill our reader's Demand and need.
In My above message you can see there are two ads showing from info links just because I have used two key words which is generally searched by readers and Internet users so try to work hard and smart so that you can earn money also can give some valuable information to your reader
I get little bit confused here.My doubt if the article written by me is about computer. Suppose it does not contain the word "networking".Can I give this as a keyword in my article since it is a term related to computer?If I gives won't it be a reader cheating ?

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Abid I have mentioned to use good key words in article, as you said if you are writing soemthing about computer so definitely you add the key word networking and describe that word there so that your reader will get more information and also adversiers get good key words to show there ads in your articles. why you think that if you use the networking word in computer article that will cheat your reader.

suppose I am writing about my school days so definitely I will add key words like computers,tuition fees,class room because all these words have also description in my articles
My doubt is not that.I am not mentioning "network" anywhere in my article.But I knows it is an important term related to computer.Then can I give it as a keyword in this article?If given so , since nothing says about networking in this article, won't it be cheating the reader?

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I am confused about your question.
where you want to use the word networking in the article or for the subject line of your article?
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