hackATTACK 2010 - Ethical Hacking Workshop @ chennai - full details @


Vijay U
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Entrance Fees is Rs. 3000... Hope this is very expensive.. :P

Guys from Chennai... Hope this thread is for you all,from Vijay.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
That is really expensive Deepti but i think the salaries in the field are very high so employees can easily effort... :P :)
No use of attending this workshop, not going to be useful unless you are in this field..3000???. rajani and deepti are right.
yes..i think it is quite expensive....but useful.. :)
Thanks for the link Vijay, i think it will be a very good workshop for those in technological field..
Well, this workshop is useful to the peoples, who is in security field.

Eventhough it is expensive, more participants are participated it...

Vijay U
This link is really helpful for techies. I have heard HCL has good openings for techies who have expertise in security and ethical hacking.
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