The former Security Advisor of India Mr.Brijesh Misra told that the Indo - US relation will not be so easy in future.

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Stretegic partnership is good for India, if done without compromising on national security.Some scientists are opposing to listing of our some important nuclear breeders.Their concern is genuine too. But Indo-USA nuke deal will definitely boost for India's energy requirement in coming future.
Yes it will boost India's energy but there is one concern, US will easily come to know about all our nuclear installations and it may in future become a threat too
The compulsions of real-politik have drawn India closer to the USA and rightly so.If one looks at Sino-Pak axis there is no other alternative for these two countries other than to form a strategic partnership to counter it.
i think indian government and US government having good relation with each other......................
Chinmoy, you are right that considering the recent alliances between China and Pakistan, we have no other alternatives and strategically too, we will benefit from friendship with US. But the double dealings of USA with India and other countries leave a lot to be desired for.

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- W. C. Fields :)

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