When is member of the week award going to be declared?

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Jayen it will take nearly 2 to 3 days.

Yesterday only the awards for the week (09-15) are declared. So it may take a week time. Wait patiently.
Okie I see but that's very long waiting period for such an award. Can someone explain the reason for this long time period. :(

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Delay may happen to any system at any point of time. There may not be any reason too. Just be patient Jayen. :) Hope to see the award announced soon.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think the member of the week award will be declared on sundays every week.
Member of the week award anouncement is still awaited hope to see it soon.

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Jayen i know the reason why you are so eager to know about it. Surely it will be added dude. Wait for one or two more days..
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