India's election system is derived from England's Voting system.

Currently England also removing this system in it's city's mayor election by doing direct voting.

What your think we must have right to elect our prime minister by direct voting?
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yes ASHISH i agree with you we must make a change.. current election system is useless one..
The present multi party parliamentary system is the main reason for high corruption and all evils in our country. All corrupted leaders and goondas with black money are taking shelter under these parties.
Political parties and their leaders are spending lakhs and crores of rupees to get elected. We are voting for them. Then how can we expect them to be non-corrupted? They need to recover the money spent with huge profits to get ready for next election. The public servants do follow them. Similarly some business men and people follow these to meet their needs.
We should opt for bi-party system and direct elections to the post of PM, CM and Mayor etc. All the parties and groups must be brought under these two parties of their individual choice. Both these parties shall be property of Indian government. No one shall be its owner or Master.
In present system, who ever want to become PM or CM is floating a new party, every leader is trying to create his own group of voters based on caste, region, language, religion or a cause etc and dividing us into several inactive groups, thus preventing unity among us. In a two party system the cost for the candidates contesting the elections from both the parties can be borne by the EC, which can remove lot of corruption from the politics. When the corruption is removed from the politics and rulers then all others, including the government officials will fall in line. Actually it’s good for us to have a change in voting system, where voters can directly elect PM or CM of their choice. Based on the % of votes polled to the parties, MP's or MLA's can be nominated by each party as per their manifestos and priorities.
No political party will come forward to do it, since they are enjoying in the present system. We the like minded people if come forward and demand and force them for the above it is possible.
If we simply keep quite, the present situation is going to spoil the future of our country as well as the life of coming generations.

At present in the multi party contests one who receives only 12-15% of the total available votes or 24-30% of the polled votes is getting elected. And winning by this way becomes easy if some one manages a vote bank (based on caste, region, language and religion etc) of around 25% total voters. This is the big minus point of multi party democracy.
Parliamentry system is best run on party system. Historically, all rulers with dictatorial mindset have attempted to destroy party system. The peolples' opinion gets some strength through political parties. Otherwise the public opinion is not concrete and infructuous. We have seen that Indira Gandhi virtually destroyed her own party for personal dictatorship. In Nepal and Pakistan, dictators have toyed with idea of partyless democracy.
People directly elect administrative head in Predidential system. This will sork better where people are very conscious and do not worship leader. Direct election of President or Prime minister may degenerate into one person's dictatorship in view of our people's tendency of accepting personality cult. The western countries like U.S.A. are free of personality cult and the leaders there are treated as mere manager of political system and not as object of worship as in India and other Asian Countries. They also do not suffer from dynastic rule tendency as in India. Hence, I feel that parliamentary multi party system is best suited to India.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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