Just thought of sharing this info.

Do the fingernail test to determine if the mirror in public places(especially trial rooms) is two-way or genuine.Two-way is that people/camera from behind the mirror can see u.

Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface. if you see a gap between the image and your finger-tip, it is genuine mirror, otherwise it is a two-way. This is one of the way to detect hidden camera in trial room.

In a 2-way mirror silver is on the surface and not on the back of the mirror as in case of real mirror.

Another way is to make calls before and after entering the trial room and see if the call goes through from inside the room
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Another method is to turn off electricity...if u see other side then again there is some problem...I listened these two methods on a TV channel some years ago....really wrong use of technology is on its top now
Wow. Nice tips. I will do the finger nail test next I time I enter such a room.
Thanks for providing this nice information.

It would be very beneficial to the girls.
Never checked this before..but very useful tips indeed..
Well very nice share sri devi...

Thank you for sharing this useful information.
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]Another method is to turn off electricity...if u see other side then again there is some problem...I listened these two methods on a TV channel some years ago....really wrong use of technology is on its top now[/quote]

This method of detecting two way mirror seems easier. Many thanks for providing the trick.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

very good tips. certainly girls need it the most in this generation.
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