Today i checked my account.
The Account Balance Shows as Rs.-199.90
On MyPage my total earnings till is

For Articles is Rs.1319.00
For Referrals is Rs.1960.00
Member of Month July is Rs. 500.00
Poller Contest October is Rs. 0.10
Total is Rs.3779.10

I Got My first Check for Rs.2220.00
I Got My 2nd Check for Rs.1259.00
Total Check amount is Rs.3479.00

The Balance is Rs. 300.10

In My account balance it shows Rs.-199.90
I think you are not added my Member of the month amount in my account balance.Please solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Thank You
Vijay U

Vijay U
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Please check your account. As long as you are receiving your payments with right amount, you need not worry.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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