Hello Marverick,

Can you think some way to improve the clarity of the questions in polls?
Recent times i see lot of polls which use short forms of words like u - You, coun - Country etc?

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Yes Meean,
you are right. But, when quatity becomes the target then the quality becomes compromised. There should be an attempt to balance the both.
Here are some examples for what i said


The below one... I don't understand the question itself but iam very surprised to see 8 votes for that..

I have been requesting the same since my entry in this site.But am happy that since number of polls limited to 5 per day we have to see less on these days.

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We have been asking the members to take care about the grammer and spelling mistakes but at the end it is up to them. Probably the comments from other members would make them realize the importance of such things. What do you say?

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

it is necesary to frame rules for standard of language used. Unauthorized abbreviations should be banned. The points for grammatical or speeling mistakes should be deducted. It will be in interest of all to increase not only knowledge/ information but also improve language skills. Happily, there is a discussion forum for improving English on the site. We may all benefit from this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I support Gulshan in this discussion.All members must have some improvement in their English skill through boddunan.Those who do not carry out the request of moderators may be blocked.

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