Today i started this topic where you can share your most unforgettable moments of your life.

Mine is

" My birthday of the year 2009 " I was surprised by my fiance when he came at 12 in the night which i didn't expected
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It seems that everybody has missed this thread..
Never mind..I will share my experience..

The unforgettable moment of my life came when I got selected for Infosys. I was at 9th cloud.
At that time I was 2 hours drive form my home and it was 9 at night, I wanted to go home, but never travelled alone at night, But that day I travelled alone and reach home by 11 just to share my hapinees with my mom n dad.

Aastha Gupta
Well Aastha, The unforgettable moment in your life is yet to come. It will be when you serve your parents with your First salary of your life.
My unforgettable moment was when I gave my salary with some Gifts to my parents.

-Atul B

Atul P Barapatre wrote:
[quote]Well Aastha, The unforgettable moment in your life is yet to come. It will be when you serve your parents with your First salary of your life.
My unforgettable moment was when I gave my salary with some Gifts to my parents.

-Atul B[/quote]

Yes Atul,
That will be the awesome feeling..but I gave them my first check, came from Boddunan as a token of my first salary.

Aastha Gupta
Wow! thats great friends....

I have some unforgettable moments. Coming to the recent ones..... The first sight that my kid saw me when he was born... He stared at me for 5 minutes... I never forget that first sight :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thats really making me proud that members are having a good time with the money they get from Boddunan.

Thanks a lot for these words.

-Atul B


All of you have really gone through unforgettable moments of your life!!!!! Well,please bear mine as I have a few :)

I would like to share them

1.When my first article appeared in Newspaper and I won my first earning for that article in the year 1998.I won Rs 50.I brought one Milo malt drink powder,one rs eclair toffee and lighted two candles in school church(as a thanks to God)

2.When I got a special award in school in the year 2001 and that was 'Journalist of The School' which was one of a kind.The chief guest even spoke my name during his speech

3.When my article appeared in the children' s Magazine 'Tinkle' and I got Rs 25 for that.Actually the money was given by the post man and my mother was trying to return it,thinking it was a prank or something!!I gave that money to my father.

4.Many of my articles were published in Newspapers like 'The New Indian Express' and 'Deccan Chronicle'.But my joy doubled when I saw my article appeared in 'The Hindu' in the year 2003.

5.When I saw my niece who was born on June 15,2005.My heart melted the moment my eyes was laid on her.She had such thick hair and big nails and sooooo adorable to see!!!

6.The glorious moment of my water Baptism in church after I believed in Christ Jesus as my Saviour

7.The fast response of Boddunan immediately after a month I joined.When Boddunan decided to make me a moderator,I was soo overwhelmed.This was so because ,I knew nothing about writing in the internet world!My support were from Maverick,Atul,Soubhagya Das and Raj.It was Raj who nick named me as 'Grammar Mom'.Hehehe :) :) :)

Now I know the list is endless...

Swetha Shenoy
I got a Third Prize in Hindu essay writing contest in English category on "Human Rights" some 9-10 years back

It is unforgettable as it was unexpected!!

And then my time in InfosysBPO(not technologies!)
Which of these 7 unforgettable moment is the BEST moment?

-Atul B


The best one is when I got my first salary of Rs 1177 from Boddunan.com :) and I brought a sari for mother and a shirt for my father.I even took them to '3 Idiots' movie with the same amount!!!!!

hehehe :)

Swetha Shenoy
Its good to know about more and more unforgettable moments of everyone life.

I want everyone to reply in these forum.
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