"Beetroot juice helps reducing blood pressures in humans within 24 hours, claims a new study in the US journal Hypertension indicating the nitrate content in the red vegetable.."

[anything above 139/89(any of the upper/lower numbers) is high BP.]
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Drinking beetroot juice boosts stamina and could help people exercise for up to 16% longer, a UK study suggests.
A University of Exeter team found nitrate contained in the vegetable leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake - making exercise less tiring.
The small Journal of Applied Physiology study suggests the effect is greater than that which can be achieved by regular training.
Beetroot juice has previously been shown to reduce blood pressure.
Thanks Sridevi for sharing this very useful information.
@Sridevi, thanks for providing this information!!

Will try to eat more beetroots now!!! :laugh: :) :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

For Low Bp

Consume lots of water. This is because dehydration reduces blood volume and leads to a drop in the blood pressure. Dont get dehydrated..

Beetroot juice is beneficial for those suffering from low blood pressure. So, have a cup of raw beetroot juice two times a day.

Prepare a cup of strong black coffee and consume this whenever you feel that your blood pressure is dipping.

foods rich in proteins, vitamin C and vitamin B are effective in treating low blood pressure.

Exercises, light walking, swimming and cycling are beneficial in regulating the blood pressure level.
Thanks sridevi and Sajeetharan for giving information to reduce BP...Very nice research indeed.I will suggest my mother who have this problem.. :)
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