The Tamilnadu chief Minister has made the ridiculous demand of making Tamil official language of the Union Government.

It is expected that the T.N. Chief Minister is aware that Tamil cannot be centre's official language. It is not feasible and desirable to teach Tamil to the government employees.

Apparently, the intention is to create linguistic divide and divert people's attention from real problems to fake issues.

I suggest that Hindi be also removed as centre's official language and English be made the only official language of the Center. This will remove all linguistic controversies. English is second language of most Indians- North, south, East and West and is a unifying force.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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In my view, these are all political stunts aimed to attract votes from the people.
It is not surprising demand from Karunanidhi who started his political career with anti-hindi protests.

English can not be official language. Do we need any foreign language to be our official language? What a shame?

Language issues is mere a political game. It is not concern with the common man. Hindi is getting popularity in Tamilnadu. Every year more than 6 lakh people are writing Hindi exams conducted by Hindi Prachar Sabha and growth is 20% per year. In 1965, at the height of anti-Hindi protests, the number was less than 20,000.

It is just POLITICAL GIMMICK, nothing else..

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He believes that he has played a masterstroke by inflamming the passions on this issue but his dirty game can be easily seen through! He is out to perpetuate his and that of his family's rule.Tamil language is rich enough to do without his services.In fact he has misused the platform of World Tamil Congress for his selfish ends.His statement only goes to prove that he may be aging but his narrow parochial brand of politics in him is very much alive and kicking!
The elections are nearing in many states including Tamil Nadu.So we can expect more political dramas like this ridiculous statement.

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Kumaresh- English is still the associate official language of the centre. In fact, the usual business of central government is conducted in English only. Hindi is still not being used prominently. So, it is okay to accept the reality and let English be the only official language. There is nothing foreign about English. This is second language of Indians in all states. English is official language of Nagaland- an Indian state. Language is only for communication.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

better make all state languages as official languages and treat all of them with equal respect..
Promotion of Hindi as our national language has largely failed due to some hyperactive Hindi zealots.There should not be any sense of shame in treating English as the lingua franca in a multi-linguistic country like India.It's sheer pragmatism ,no room for emotion and passion.Although English people divided us when they left India,the role of English language in post-Independent India in keeping us together should not be lost sight of.
[quote]Promotion of Hindi as our national language has largely failed due to some hyperactive Hindi zealots[/quote]
The stupid baboos made the language like that. We should use English as our official language. By getting Tamil as a classic language the specswala 1000 crores of taxpayers money in his kitty and now he is demanding all Indians wealth to him. Not at all acceptable. He challenged other states by saying that no tamilians will be allowed to work in other states. what a sad state, isn't it ?
It's absolutely pathetic on the part of this veteran Tamil leader to talk in such loose terms.Perhaps he thinks promotion of his family is a Tamil cause!
This is indeed quite ridiculous and disrespectful to other languages!! Creating such secondary issues only to divert peoples' attention from the real issues is a mere stunt!!

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