Hello Maverick,
In awards page my name was displayed with Member Of the month and descrption is empty and the date is 17-6-2010 and the amount is specified as Rs.0.00
Whats this?
I need a explanation about this..

Vijay U
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I to have seen my name and no description and 0 Rs. Hope the doubt be clarified.
Hello Vijay..

This is the problem faced by everyone..

Actually every user is seeing his/her name in the award list. There is no such award. The place where you are looking your name, I am also looking my name at the same. This is a technical mistake..

Hope Maverick Sir will correct it soon.

Aastha Gupta
Every member becoming a MOM! Oh,that's great!
Hope that these sort of technical problems are resolved soon by our moderators....
That is a technical fault. Please ignore it as the award is no longer exists.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you Maverick Sir for clearing this matter,

Hope it will be corrected soon.

Many' doubts get cleared...

Aastha Gupta
my doubts is clear
The title itself is confusing...Member of the month July!!!I thought it is a new suggestion.

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Same had happened with me too. But this has cleared all the confusion. Thanks for asking the question.

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Thanks for clearing the doubt...
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