Let us discuss the positives and negatives of boddunan here.


1.Introduction of new awards as and when needed
2.Payments quickly and correctly despatched to the members
3.Much importance is given to member's suggestions.Always members suggestion are given importance and they implement it if it is good. Also if it is not feasible, they give the answer for that.
4.Revenue sharing system
5.Maverick, who is our excellent moderator.


1.Currently google adsense revenue is not possible for members.But it will definitely come shortly.
2. Sometimes the reviews (especially mobile reviews and polls) are taking more time to get approval.

Friends, please share your views also.

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one more positive point

Appearance is wonderful. I didn't seen such beautiful site.

one negative point

Sometimes the top commenter and top voter awards not works correctly. Although it is automated, I didn't understand why it happens!!!

Cool information and hot earnings @
The site is controlled by eminent men of integrity and all are contributing to best of their ability. The negative points are only some short achievements like google adsense revenue not possible. There is always room for further improvement. This cannot be called negative feature.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All point are very true shared by Meen but I add one more point for negative

Boddunan break some rules in prizes ........ Positive of this thought is Its encourage to member who are not able to make points fast.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Awards are given on the basis of points.
Points with good response is equal to one who respond one liner like wow its a great post, good sharing of information etc.

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Every site will have its own set of pluses and deltas! I would not like to call it negative points, hence I am calling it a delta! Any interactive site such as boddunan is an ongoing process and will keep evolving, hence issues such as google adsense will not be so difficult to achieve. We all must keep contributing in that direction!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I heared of a sanskrit sloka which means ---

A true friend is one who always says the bad qualities or drawbacks in friend and helps in improving his personality.

So I do believe in this -- And I always ask for the drawbacks in me to correct myself....

So I hope -- saying the disadvantages/drawbacks in boddunan should be taken sportively :)

In my view, I think Boddunan is a very new site. It has lot of scope to improve. And it is on the process. Being a fresh brand new site, Boddunan is no less than any of the other sites.

I wish Boddunan always a very best!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
The positives are:
It is giving a great spirit of competition among members and providing a lot of knowledge to them. It is giving chance to all some extra money.

The negatives are:
Comment part should be taken seriously, mutiple comments in polls should not be allowed. Also comments should be more than 70 words.
We should be able to add images in polling section too, so that we can have more creative polls.

Aastha Gupta
I think When adsense linking facility for member will come then everything will be positive for boddunan.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think as has been very correctly pointed out by some members that a relatively new site would always have some problems.But the most encouraging part of my experience has been the timely response by boddunan to any shortcoming highlighted by members and the openness with which it is done.Most of the suggestions have been looked into and some of them have been implemented with success.I am confident this spirit would take it to new heights.
Another positives are:

Prompt and timely responses on queries by editors and moderators.
Polite and respectful language used by the moderators
Knowledgeable and sensible members who are dedicated for the good of the site.

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