
The separate section titled 'Jokes and Humor' which existed earlier has been revived and members have started contributing like ducks taking to water which brings to my mind what constitues humor in life? From my personal experience I have found that people who are keen observers in life are good humorists.They are able to spot the inconsistencies in our life very quickly.What is your take on this?
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A thought-provoking question indeed!.
I think you are right that people who are humorists are good observers..
I suppose, people who are good observers are generally a bit more creative. Cartoonists, for instance.
I agree with your point. The people who are observant they have very good sense of humor. It is an art which makes others and your moment lighter.
But it should be sense of humor not nonsense of humor.. :)

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
A very good morning to you Chinmoy!! I am increasing your karma for starting a delightful discussion on the forum!

Yes it is true that great humorists are extremely keen observers! an essential step towards humor is accepting our own little imperfections and not minding the fact that we are not perfect.
eg, the great P.G.Wodehouse, George Bernard Shaw, P.L.Deshpande (for those who don't know him, he was a great writer in marathi who recently passed away,) etc.

these people played on the human characteristics in such a ingenuous manner to create humor that least offensive without being crude and still evoked great deal of laughter!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I agree. Every one is equipped equally with sense of humor. As rightly pointed out, humor lies in highlighting the inconsistencies in life in a lighter way. Some one wearing dhoti Kurta and a neck tie on will definitely be a source of humor.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Kalyani,

I would highlight another quality which a good humorist must have that is the ability to laught at oneself.You have mentioned Mr.Deshpande's name and I know another great Marathi humorist - late Sharad Joshi.I remeber in an interview on Door Darshan which was taking place afte an Olympic Game at which India did pathetically as usual and Joshiji was asked to comment on it.In his inimitable style he said that- You know India's a spiritual country and our spirits move faster than our bodies!!!
I remember Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru remarked about Ladakh region in wake of Indo China border disputes- "Not a blade of grass grows there." At this, an hon'ble M.P. retorted- "Sir, Not a blade of hair grows on my head."
Sense of humor requires quick wit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

you have shared very good incidence..
Sense of humor requires presence of mind as well..

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
I rember what late Panditji said in a rare display of remarkable presence of mind when prohibition was introduced first time and created an extremely volatile situation.When the journalists aked him about the situation he just replied'the situations is very fluid ,man'!!
Chinmoy- Pt. Nehru had definitely a robust sense of humor. Once, he was addressing a ceremony in Allahabad University. One speaker was being hooted as students were making noise uttering- shoo- shoo. Pt Nehru asked- who are these shoe makers?.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Not only late Pandit Nehru bu the leaders belonging to that era had a gifted sense of humor.I readily recall the great sense of humor of the famous poet late Sarojini Naidu.Once Gandhiji with his followers was on a visit to a remote village and Sarojini Naidu was in that part.As is widely known Gandhiji's fondness for goat's milk became a subject matter of humor.The goat which was brought before him was not liked by him and some members of the party got into the act of finding suitable goat milk for Gandhiji by arranging a jeep which prompted Sarojini Naidu to quip " We have spent too much to keep Bapu in poverty".
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