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you are right in our hindu custom so many bizarre customs are defined and are assumed very important that must be done into related occasion. Girls are not getting their original value because of these customs . parents think they have to spend a lot of money on them on their marriage.
Presently, population of female in India is less compared to male. When there will be no female there will be no birth of child, no happiness and no love. It is female who gives love and life to others. May after few more decades people would realise the situation without love and life.
As girls are becoming less in India so there may be chance of parents giving value to girls as in future boys may give dowry to girls

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Present the population in india is having the more male than females in future the kanyasulkam will come once again.

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PArents need to spend more money for all the occasions of girls and They should protect her and they feel that all these are headach to them and the main reason why they love boy child because they will get dowry when they perform boy marriage but for girl they should give dowry thats why.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

female foeticide is serios crime and any one of us are aware of such practice going on anywhere then we should report it. people still have those traditional thoughts and it is merely because of lack of education. educating people is the only way out.
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