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Don't limit this idea to just Contests!!!!

I am telling that... Any sort of Contests, Programs, New Columns (similar to Articles,Forums, Polls)..anything that is new to Boddunan can be mentioned here to get the site at a glance....

Thats what I have told!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
But how can the moderator know which new thread or poll or article is going to come??.Contest are decided by boddunan team.So they can plan it and put it in the Upcoming contest before it is implemented.I didn't get the idea of upcoming polls forums and articles.Please explain.
I think Deepti wished to say upcoming events only.On explaining all these came to front!!!

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Yes. This is just an idea. What should be implemented and executed is the final decision of the Boddunan Team.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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