A few days back the Union Minister of Sports came out strongly against the Apex Cricketing Body of the country for tinkering with the basic format of cricket so much that cricket in its original form may disappear from the face of the earth.Now those who are adminstering cricket are so much fascinated by the lure of money that people of dubious and shady characters have made a beeline to make a fast buck.The BCCCI's cupboard is full of skeletons.In this situation disbanding BCCI might be an idea worth considering.What do you think?
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I agree. Cricket is no more sports but this has been totally commercialized and there are many dubious dealings involved. Test Cricket is real cricket and we are fast forgetting it.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan, What is more disturbing that people who have nothing to do with cricket are jumping into this bandwagon to encash the common man's weakness for cricket.If we go by the number of scams and scandals involving our sports it is our cricket which is at the top of the heap and the reasons are not too far to seek.Every politician eyeing for the presidentships of State Cricket Associations and it cuts across party lines,you will find Narendra Modi as well as Lalu Yadav!!
I agree chinmoy. The politicians are eying cricket as area of their personal influence and income.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Cricket or any other games are meant to entertain. but now-a-days, these sports are a way to make business and earn money for the film actors and politicians!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes Deepti,you have rightly pointed out the reason.It's the sheer love of moolah that has drawn a wide assortment of polticians,business persons,film personalities to quench their thirst for more and more at the cost of the game itself which is highly dangerous and condemnable.
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