
We must be very proud of the Indian connection behind Large Hadron Collider experiment which was undertaken and successfully conducted to prove the existence Higgs Boson.As I am not a student of physics I dare not going into the nitty gritty of it but what absolutely fascinates me is the fact that the very particle the existence of which is sought to be found by this unique experiment at a mind-boggling cost of some rupees 36,000 crore was named after the celebrated Indian Dr Satyendra Nath Bose who propounded it existence by scribbling on the back of an envelope sitting at his home located in a north Calcutta alley some decades back!Isn't it truly amazing!
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I agree with Chinmoy. The Indian connection with large Hadron collider Experiment is definitely a matter of pride. Dr. Abul Kalam has also visited the place of experiment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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