5 years ago
Children and content in the present day context. How to help the child in choosing the apt one ? This is major concern of parents the world over. The following are five simple steps which can be used by the parents/grandparents caretakers to give the right content to the child.
1) Doing : What ever you as parent do/act or react the child just copies it. Every actions of the grownups, be it his/her grandparents, uncles, aunts, caretaker or your friends who visit you at home.
The child simply copies you, so its in your hands to expose them to good behavior.
2) Watching/Seeing : Here we need to remember the media we use. I mean TV, Gadgets, Net connectivity and other technology in our daily use. Most importantly the mobile phone.
3) Involvement / Engagement : As children we were made to do activity by our elders. In such activity they were part of the activity, being involved and involving us. In the course of action they taught us social behavior.