There are many pain killers which are natural. That is these pain killers do not have any side effects. Another advantage with these natural pain killers is they are easily available. For example Turmeric. Turmeric is available in every home.

To lead a pain free life, have a look at the list given below

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Some items is new for me. I have problem of cramp in my legs. I will try Magnisium supplement.

Try. Natural pain killers are harmless

I know, You know wax is also a useful pain killer.

anil wrote:

I know, You know wax is also a useful pain killer.

No. I don't know that wax is a pain killer. Is it the same wax with which we make candles ?

yes it is same wax with which we make candles. melted hot wax is applied on effective part of body

Thank you said by: rambabu

Than you for clarifying my doubt.

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