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Mansingh is an gentleman for @ Anil. How crazy can it get. Dawood also helps lot of poor persons. What about him?

MG Singh wrote:

Yes, this is interesting. All bandits are not bad and the legendary Man Singh helped the poor. There is a temple dedicated to him close to Jhansi.

I am sure the locals have a reason for building a temple for Mann Singh but honestly I don't understand this fetish people have for building temple for film stars, politicians and celebrities. Don't they have anything better to do and better ways of utilising the money except of course when it is funded by the person for whom the temple is being built

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

LOL. In South especially in Tamil Nadu  this practice is there. There is a temple built for Khushbu. I don't know now if there is a temple for Amma.


some bandits are not bad person, it is just that the time and situation force them to do something evil, but sometime when they get the feeling that they have done something wrong for the society which they shouldn't do and that feeling make them to do rectifying their deeds and they also try every possibility to rectify their deeds 

bhuyali saroj

There is always a reason but again under the same given.circumstances, everyone do not take to crime. It depends on the individual, his upbringing and his immediate surroundings as to how well he is able to cope .

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

as i said earlier that nobody wants to become a criminal everyone wants to live a peaceful and happy life but it is time and a bad situation which makes one's to fall in the line of crime  

bhuyali saroj

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