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When I admire wonders of nature and trees, my soul worships the creator. This is simple, my religion is inside my brain, heart do not compare with others and do not look at what other religions do or worship. This is the way of salvation, while depending on other sects and in tolerating others. These natural elements contains truth, fact of life.

Very good. Glad you found a way to Mukti or salvation.

Trees like Peepal, Neem, Arjuna, Banyan which all have some medicinal uses. Tulsi is a holy basil. But religion have certain beliefs and thoughts which we don't argue as a matter. But I want to say you one thing, In Hindu methodology each temple have each "thala vriksham"  which means they promote to planting trees according to  the need. 


May be. But before that one should realize that Tree is the savior of the mankind. It has no religion. It offers shade to all irrespective of caste, creed and religion.


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