Many think that they are indispensable. They think that the sky is going to fall if they are not here. Is it true?

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Every one of us plays a specific role in this drama of life, because we have taken birth as humans in this earth. Even if one person is not there, somebody else will handle the role, and the show will continue without any interruption. Earth will not stop its rotation….

Yes. Nobody is indispensIble. After Nahru's death, people thought no one can fill the void created by Nehru. In no time Lal Bahadur made the nation forget Nehru. 

One thing cannot be replaced at all. As the graveyards are full of indispensable persons. Firefighters are indispensable persons.

It is a misplaced belief that one is indispensable. I f one goes another comes. World will not stop if one is missing.

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