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Welcome. It helps the members in knowing new things.

Died people count is increasing more and more. It was really big one. 


Also read in the news that all continents are coming near which can cause more earthquake in near future. Kathmandu movies 10 feet towards India!!! That's really shocking.


True. Khatmandu moves 10 feet-towards India, but the height of Everest remains unchanged. Yes, in the coming years there are chances for more earth quakes. Today I read in a local paper that California has threat for a high intensity earth quake.

Future looks scary this way. Nepal's people are really living scary life these days.


Yes. Countries moving closer is a signal for potential dangers for humanity. Nepal is completely devastated. My sympathies to them.

Substantially all damage caused by the earthquake and many people have died.It was not good, we should pray to God that never happen

Prayers will not stop earth quakes. To that matter nothing can stop earth quakes. At the most by taking precautions as suggested in the link article, which I'm sure you did not rea the loss of man power and property can be minimized.

Rahul, you are a new member I know. But without studying FAQ or the way in which the site works, youa started posting in an erratic way which attracted everybody's attention including the moderators Kalyani nandutkar and Gulshanji Kumar Ajmani who introduced you to this site.

I advise you not to jump into site activities like forums without understandingwhat is what. For example, you posted above two postings one after another which is taken by the moderators as spamming. It may be treated as objectionable.

Hope you understood what I said and put it into practice.

Earthquake is as much real as the creation of earth in the past several well managed civilization such as Indus valley civilization and mighty dinosaur exited form earth, we could delay the inevitable but could not avoid it, as one could love or hate earthquake but could not ignore it altogether.

Agreed. Awareness matters. Withawareness it's possible to reduce the damage to some extent.

rambabu wrote:

The purpose of the post is to make the people aware, so that in any eventuality, proper action can be taken to save the loss of property and lives.

I have read in a newspaper that sensors can be placed to know about the Earthquake in advance, though not very much in advance and the best technology in this respect is available in California but the costs are humongous.

Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!

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