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Best place to live is the one which caters the needs or requirements of an individual. A person seeking all modern day facilities and loves to live surrounded by crowd can choose to live in any of the metro cities and a person seeking peace can go for some village or town like place. Usually, people decide to stay in places where all their requirements are fulfilled like good education, good employment scope etc..... They love to live with their family and relatives.
According to me, the best place to live in India is Himachal. I have traveled many states. I have communicated with the locals. Every time I visit Himachal Pradesh I feel yes, this is going to be my last destination, the destination where I would like to breath my last. There's no employment scope over their. People mainly depend on the tourists for their livelihood. There's no modern facilities. Most of the time of the year, it is covered with snow and people face extreme difficulties as mode of transportation gets disturbed. But, the beauty this place has is enough to take away breath and mesmerize an individual. Warmth that locals give us is enough and make a person forget his own family and relatives.

If your requirement is to stay all your life where natural beauty is abundant. well it means your needs are catered to. That's a good selection.
Thank you said by: Reena
Best place to live is the one which caters the needs or requirements of an individual. A person seeking all modern day facilities and loves to live surrounded by crowd can choose to live in any of the metro cities and a person seeking peace can go for some village or town like place. Usually, people decide to stay in places where all their requirements are fulfilled like good education, good employment scope etc..... They love to live with their family and relatives.
According to me, the best place to live in India is Himachal. I have traveled many states. I have communicated with the locals. Every time I visit Himachal Pradesh I feel yes, this is going to be my last destination, the destination where I would like to breath my last. There's no employment scope over their. People mainly depend on the tourists for their livelihood. There's no modern facilities. Most of the time of the year, it is covered with snow and people face extreme difficulties as mode of transportation gets disturbed. But, the beauty this place has is enough to take away breath and mesmerize an individual. Warmth that locals give us is enough and make a person forget his own family and relatives.

If your requirement is to stay all your life where natural beauty is abundant. well it means your needs are catered to. That's a good selection.

Yes you should live where you feel content and happy. Better move to such a place than regretting for the rest of your life.
Best place to live is the one which caters the needs or requirements of an individual. A person seeking all modern day facilities and loves to live surrounded by crowd can choose to live in any of the metro cities and a person seeking peace can go for some village or town like place. Usually, people decide to stay in places where all their requirements are fulfilled like good education, good employment scope etc..... They love to live with their family and relatives.
According to me, the best place to live in India is Himachal. I have traveled many states. I have communicated with the locals. Every time I visit Himachal Pradesh I feel yes, this is going to be my last destination, the destination where I would like to breath my last. There's no employment scope over their. People mainly depend on the tourists for their livelihood. There's no modern facilities. Most of the time of the year, it is covered with snow and people face extreme difficulties as mode of transportation gets disturbed. But, the beauty this place has is enough to take away breath and mesmerize an individual. Warmth that locals give us is enough and make a person forget his own family and relatives.

If your requirement is to stay all your life where natural beauty is abundant. well it means your needs are catered to. That's a good selection.

Yes you should live where you feel content and happy. Better move to such a place than regretting for the rest of your life.

Decisions related to important aspects of life are to be taken with utmost care. You have to weigh the pros and cons. Any negligence will lead to disastrous results.And finding a suitable place that caters to your needs is not an exception..
Thank you said by: Reena
Best place to spend life is one which makes us happy, which acts as a fountain of inspiration. Chosen destination should be a source of joy and not a box of complaints and regrets.
Best place to spend life is one which makes us happy, which acts as a fountain of inspiration. Chosen destination should be a source of joy and not a box of complaints and regrets.

While taking such decisions one should take care of every smaller thing in to consideration without a compromise. A smaller thing that's left now may prove a costly lapse with time. Our growing needs should be taken in to consideration not with a view just for an year or two.But with a view on longer duration. This will help.
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