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I feel that to become a novelist or a story teller you need to have a good reading habit ! This is a basic requirement since you get a lot of ready made inputs and ideas to expand upon !

That's a must!! How else do you get those brain-storming ideas which work at subliminal levels of our minds before finding true and authentic expressions!!

So when that is the case we can only admire and wonder at the caliber of all those early writers who wrote largely through thir study on life around them and fertile imagination ! Those works are still considered the best ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

John Ruskin classified books in to two categories. Books of all time and Books of no time. A news paper's life is one day. Geeta lived and lives as long as the mankind is on this planet. To know what aspect imparted these books immortality, one need not be a man endowed with super intelligence. I'd say in unequivocal terms, it's the caliber of the creator and nothing else thaat made them immortal. That caliber is needed to make one a successful writer.
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