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It really depends on what makes a person feel contented and also the awareness of that fact. Truth is nowadays, we are all so much engrossed in accumulating possessions of all sorts and kinds and comparing them constantly with what others have, we have actually blinded ourselves to what we really want to make ourselves happy.

So very true, Some time back most of the stuff I had hoarded over the years were disposed off by my hubby without telling me and although I was upset in the beginning, I realised tht I was not ven able to recollect some of the items and was happy to see more space round the house...The lesser we have the happier we can be ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thus reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi's quote that has all time relevance, " “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
That's right when we run behind something we may not be able to get it and when we set it free we may. :)

True, but you have to make efforts for every thing. You do not have to behave like crazy to get it but you do not get any thing without making efforts.

I agree one should not go behind the things like crazy but one has to do some efforts to achieve things. :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
The Mantra is Action. Even if your action fails to bear fruit, certainly gives satisfaction. And satisfaction breeds happiness.
That's true Babu ji but people these days don't able to decide their limit of satisfaction. :evil:
That's true Babu ji but people these days don't able to decide their limit of satisfaction. :evil:

I agree. One has to explore. Good things will not happen instantaneously. Achievers attained greatness not in a single day. Happiness has a price tag.
It also depends on the company you keep and the kind of society you live in ! perr pressure can change your whole perspective of life especially among the very young who are still not very experienced and mature and tend to get easily led by outward appearances ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It really depends on what makes a person feel contented and also the awareness of that fact. Truth is nowadays, we are all so much engrossed in accumulating possessions of all sorts and kinds and comparing them constantly with what others have, we have actually blinded ourselves to what we really want to make ourselves happy.

So very true, Some time back most of the stuff I had hoarded over the years were disposed off by my hubby without telling me and although I was upset in the beginning, I realised tht I was not ven able to recollect some of the items and was happy to see more space round the house...The lesser we have the happier we can be ..

True, the more we accumulate the more we keep getting trapped in them! In my home, we follow a strict rule, twice a year, both of us take an inventory of most stuff and what we have never used or even touched in the last few months are the ones that are shown the door immediately! It not only unclutters the house, but also the minds as well!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It really depends on what makes a person feel contented and also the awareness of that fact. Truth is nowadays, we are all so much engrossed in accumulating possessions of all sorts and kinds and comparing them constantly with what others have, we have actually blinded ourselves to what we really want to make ourselves happy.

So very true, Some time back most of the stuff I had hoarded over the years were disposed off by my hubby without telling me and although I was upset in the beginning, I realised tht I was not ven able to recollect some of the items and was happy to see more space round the house...The lesser we have the happier we can be ..

True, the more we accumulate the more we keep getting trapped in them! In my home, we follow a strict rule, twice a year, both of us take an inventory of most stuff and what we have never used or even touched in the last few months are the ones that are shown the door immediately! It not only unclutters the house, but also the minds as well!

Thats a very wise thing to do.....There is no point i keeping anything that you have not used for more than a year,it simply occupies space and rots...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The more you try the farther it goes...

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Happiness depends on our attitude for life. Every moment of life is jamful with happiness.
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