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I am really finding it hard to find time to be active here. On many occasions in the past week, I just opened the site and closed it. I guess, I will be able to devote more time here :)

It's a question of Time management. You have to squeeze 25 hours from 24 hours.
I am really finding it hard to find time to be active here. On many occasions in the past week, I just opened the site and closed it. I guess, I will be able to devote more time here :)

It's a question of Time management. You have to squeeze 25 hours from 24 hours.

Sometimes, we need to have 48 hours' of time in a day. That's how the time management is needed along with some manpower.
I am really finding it hard to find time to be active here. On many occasions in the past week, I just opened the site and closed it. I guess, I will be able to devote more time here :)

It's a question of Time management. You have to squeeze 25 hours from 24 hours.

Sometimes, we need to have 48 hours' of time in a day. That's how the time management is needed along with some manpower.

Life is nothing but management of space, time and resources. Your prime job needs first priority. Then come other pursuits. If your prime job needs more time, you will have to curtail other activities. But still, it should not be difficult to log in for at least one hour in week for activities on Boddunan.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am really finding it hard to find time to be active here. On many occasions in the past week, I just opened the site and closed it. I guess, I will be able to devote more time here :)

It's a question of Time management. You have to squeeze 25 hours from 24 hours.

Sometimes, we need to have 48 hours' of time in a day. That's how the time management is needed along with some manpower.

Life is nothing but management of space, time and resources. Your prime job needs first priority. Then come other pursuits. If your prime job needs more time, you will have to curtail other activities. But still, it should not be difficult to log in for at least one hour in week for activities on Boddunan.

Right. Those who are able to manage things, can achieve success in life easily. I believe in this therory. And yes, I am here almost daily now :P
Time management and priorities of life which make you a perfect one. I know every one does his best to look his best interests.

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Time management and multitasking is needed these days to get things done.I am doing at least tgree things at the same time, browsing,cooking and some other job like folding clothes or ironing which is actually good because you get a lot more done in a day..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

You are right. Usha !
Now Our life is so busy. So multitasking is needed these days.

Abhijit !
You must try to active at least in forum section daily. Do your best.

Be positive
Time management and multitasking is needed these days to get things done.I am doing at least tgree things at the same time, browsing,cooking and some other job like folding clothes or ironing which is actually good because you get a lot more done in a day..

I appreciate your multi tasking and time management. But multi tasking is too tough for me. I arrange all work in sequence and take up one by one only. I just fix priority. I will not hasten or panic for any thing. The items of lower priority become a casualty when high the priority item needs more time.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Time management and multitasking is needed these days to get things done.I am doing at least tgree things at the same time, browsing,cooking and some other job like folding clothes or ironing which is actually good because you get a lot more done in a day..

Yeah, I also do multitasking and I actually love it. I chat, I write replies here, concentrate on the article at hand and also browse for new topics. I don't know how, but I can manage at least these 4 things extremely easily.
If you really want to work over here and gain knowledge and enjoy fun and earn some amount then you have use every free time of yours on this site

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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