12 years ago
But, the billion dollar question is," Who will kill the Dowry system?"
But, the billion dollar question is," Who will kill the Dowry system?"
If one starts then it will be totally destroyed from the society...
But, the billion dollar question is," Who will kill the Dowry system?"
If one starts then it will be totally destroyed from the society...
But, the billion dollar question is," Who will kill the Dowry system?"
If one starts then it will be totally destroyed from the society...
Not one many started. There are no signs of abatement of this evil.
I think that's a very valid point. Today more than the girl it is the dowery system that needs to be overcome. But if girls don't remain how will there be a dowery?
I think that's a very valid point. Today more than the girl it is the dowery system that needs to be overcome. But if girls don't remain how will there be a dowery?
And to add a few facts, this is women who look at dowry as a mandatory tradition of a marriage. Some girls even feel bad if no proper amount provided in their marriages. This is double standard. You go against dowry while father or mother of a daughter and dowry looks lucrative while you are parents of a boy. Even ministers who speech big against dowry spend and pay lavishly.
I think that's a very valid point. Today more than the girl it is the dowery system that needs to be overcome. But if girls don't remain how will there be a dowery?
And to add a few facts, this is women who look at dowry as a mandatory tradition of a marriage. Some girls even feel bad if no proper amount provided in their marriages. This is double standard. You go against dowry while father or mother of a daughter and dowry looks lucrative while you are parents of a boy. Even ministers who speech big against dowry spend and pay lavishly.
As far as I am concerned, I (our family) haven't taken a single paisa from the girl's parnets when I got married to her. I don't care if people believe this or not, but that's the truth.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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