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This is very true.we must know our own value and so if we cannot find it we should not let others to find it for us.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Why on earth someone will calculate and measure your worth? A wise man will be busy measuring his own worth and value.
these lines are real facts, we should analyse our selves and estimate our selves. but we should not give chance to other to calculate about us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We never compare us with others. Firstly we know what I am
Why on earth someone will calculate and measure your worth? A wise man will be busy measuring his own worth and value.

You have to prove your worth to others. A jeweler knows the value of jewels. You are jewel and hence some jeweler alone may evaluate you. You are valued by appropriate persons for their specific requirements viz. examiners, interview board etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is very true in our life. We never compare ourselves with other person. We must know our value.

Be positive
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