Yesterday I went to Ayurveda Doctor he tested my B.P and heart beat told me that my heart beat was 53 as it must be 85. So he had given medicines to decrease my weight as it is 82 it is more when compared to my age. So i am in serious danger if I had not reduced weight in coming months. :( :(

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sasi, am a bit worried about you.
why can't you consult a allopathy doctor than Ayurvedic?

Meera sandhu
Yesterday I went to Ayurveda Doctor he tested my B.P and heart beat told me that my heart beat was 53 as it must be 85. So he had given medicines to decrease my weight as it is 82 it is more when compared to my age. So i am in serious danger if I had not reduced weight in coming months. :( :(

Don't worry Sasi kanth. You are alright. I pray for you. Be happy man! Reduce weight.

Born to express, not to impress.
Yesterday I went to Ayurveda Doctor he tested my B.P and heart beat told me that my heart beat was 53 as it must be 85. So he had given medicines to decrease my weight as it is 82 it is more when compared to my age. So i am in serious danger if I had not reduced weight in coming months. :( :(

Not necessarily. Your health is in your hands. From today onwards start morning walk. Gradually increase the pace from slow to brisk. If you can get an expert nearby, ask his guidance to teach you "Pranayama." In 6 months you will be hale and healthy.
Yesterday I went to Ayurveda Doctor he tested my B.P and heart beat told me that my heart beat was 53 as it must be 85. So he had given medicines to decrease my weight as it is 82 it is more when compared to my age. So i am in serious danger if I had not reduced weight in coming months. :( :(

I hope you shall be able to reduce your weight ASAP, why wait for few months, its not that big a problem do start it from today itself

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sasi, am a bit worried about you.
why can't you consult a allopathy doctor than Ayurvedic?

Allopathic treatments are said to add more miseries and due to this reason , whole world is turning towards Alternate medicines like Ayurveda, Homeopathy,etc. which are free from side effects.
This is very serious problem. You should have the medicines as suggested by the doctor. Get well soon.
sasi, am a bit worried about you.
why can't you consult a allopathy doctor than Ayurvedic?

Allopathic treatments are said to add more miseries and due to this reason , whole world is turning towards Alternate medicines like Ayurveda, Homeopathy,etc. which are free from side effects.

To reduce weight one does not need a doctor but strong willpower. I have maintained my weight at 74 for decades that is good for my 73" height 1kg per" (+ or - ) 2%.

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sasi, am a bit worried about you.
why can't you consult a allopathy doctor than Ayurvedic?

Allopathic treatments are said to add more miseries and due to this reason , whole world is turning towards Alternate medicines like Ayurveda, Homeopathy,etc. which are free from side effects.

To reduce weight one does not need a doctor but strong willpower. I have maintained my weight at 74 for decades that is good for my 73" height 1kg per" (+ or - ) 2%.

You are right Sunil. The fact that you are able to maintain your weight for decades says that your Health is well under your control
Oh.. Than start working for your health from today. Reducing weight is not that hard(talking from my personal experience) if you have strongly decided it. And as it is related to health you should go for it. Get well soon. :)

It is nothing to be worried just obey to doctor and soon you will be cured.
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