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Many a times people say lie. They have their own reasons behind any lie. We, the living beings of this earth has to live with both lie and truth. It is because we are humans who are neither God nor Demons.
Many a times people say lie. They have their own reasons behind any lie. We, the living beings of this earth has to live with both lie and truth. It is because we are humans who are neither God nor Demons.

May be. The reasons for saying "I'm fine" is not needed here. IN CASES WHERE WE SAY " i'M FINE" , the author says most of the cases it's not true.
There are many situations in life when we say certain standard phrases and as long as it is accepted at its face value, no harm done, I am fine is one such example ....It is the same with please which can be told in many ways even, when someone is angry but being nice about - ' Please leave now...or please get out...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are many situations in life when we say certain standard phrases and as long as it is accepted at its face value, no harm done, I am fine is one such example ....It is the same with please which can be told in many ways even, when someone is angry but being nice about - ' Please leave now...or please get out...

Nothing is said about "Good " or "Bad" about using "I'm fine." What all it said was we will not say I'm bad, instead we say I'm fine, which is far from truth
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