Gandhiji learned all the most important lessons in his life be it an inspiration for a struggle for human rights, evolution of an ideology from the third class compartment of Railways.
It started on his very first arrival at Durban, Gandhiji met with a bitter experience of being insulted by a white in a Railway compartment.
In 1901, Gandhi and Sir Pherozeshah Mehta travelled by the same train from Bombay to Calcutta.
The session at Calcutta, and his stay with Gokhale prompted him to tour the entire country in a third class compartment, to acquaint himself with the hardships of passengers.
Nothing gave him a better picture about the plight If Indians in the British Raj than a third class compartment Of Railways.
And it was a third class compartment numbered 2949 that carried his ashes to Triveni, Allahabad on February 12, 1948 for immersion into water
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Appreciations to Rambabu for making us think about the incident which is about the Father of nation Mahathma Gandi.

Born to express, not to impress.
Rambabuji this is very important post. I would like to suggest you to write an article on this. This is a good topic.
Appreciations to Rambabu for making us think about the incident which is about the Father of nation Mahathma Gandi.

Soon you will see more of Gandhi. Thank you
Rambabuji this is very important post. I would like to suggest you to write an article on this. This is a good topic.

Thank you Devyani for the suggestion . I'll do soon
This also indicates that the British introduced certain things for their benefit but these boomeranged on them. They introduced English, Christianity, values of liberty and democracy, unified India. They also introduced Railways. They did all for their own growth. But all these boomeranged on them. The big army of English speaking lawyers and votaries of liberty and freedom proved a nail in coffin of British empire. If left to themselves, they would never drive British out but continue reciting Sanskrit shlokas and Tulsi das Chaupai (koi nrip ham ko ka hani (let anyone be king. How we are affected).

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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