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Yes I love telling stories to kids. Even though I don't have kids currently, I love to tell stories to the kids of my sisters when they visit me. :cheer:

Mala Jaiswar
Yes I do and I use to tell stories to my children when they were young and now whenever I go to my parent place my brother small dughter asked me to tell the stories.
I too love telling stories to my nieces and nephews. I often tell them stories from fairy tales collections and other folk tales. And they enjoy it. :) .

Telling stories is an art and hobby as well. Morals can be taught to kids through stories. Every parents should develop their story telling skill.

I make the children laugh with my facial expressions. I simply transform myself in to the characters of the story and talk the dialogues in different intonations.

You are so lucky and gifted person babuji. You have lot of talents with you. I never told stories to anyone and i didn't had that chance.
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