I am not defaming Gandhi here, the very idea of this discussion is to get more information and personal views on the subject ...

Gandhiji for all his great virtues which of course no one can deny was also quite controversial in his ideas and way of living.

Going by all accounts Gandhi was not the one to introduce the concepts of non-violence, civil disobedience etc. Boycott of British goods, civil disobedience, non-violence were already being practiced by the Congress when Gandhi joined the movement...
Gandhi also preached celibacy but one wonders what was the use of preaching this when he himself had not been able to practice it ? and when he proclaimed he was renouncing all sexual activities altogether Gandhi was 37 years old , politically active and had the adoration of the masses who called him Mahatma , a Saint.
One wonders if Gandhi had this in mind while declaring his celibacy...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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everyone has some weaknesses despite his status. Mahatma Gandhi could have some weaknesses or many may not agree with him in some respects but hat does not diminish his greatness.

Mahatma Gandhi never claimed that non violence is his original thought. He borrowed this concept from Hindi and Jain religions as well as Christianity that teaches virtue of mercy and forgiveness. When following some good words by any great man, we need not bother as to what extent he himself followed. If celibacy has virtue, we should follow whether Gandhi himself followed or not.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Friends many facts lie burried in the time of decades. It is better to consider the good and forgetting the bad. We cannot change the past or what has gone. We have present and lets make it a better one. Gandhiji is father of our nation. He will remain as so. Lets follow his good teachings and moral. Be a good human being.

Always remember that it is difficult to learn rather than to teach. Thus it is difficult to practice ourself rather than to force others to practice.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Today is Gandhi Jayanti. It is 143rd birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Nation. President Pronab Mukherjee and many celebs were present in the celebrations of Gandhi jayanti.
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