I have seen many a times horoscope prediction is done based on nakshatra. Do you think nakshatra prediction is necessary keeping aside lagna chart?
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I do not believe in any type of horoscope. I think that this is just a superstition of person.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Whole world believes in astrology. Western astrology is much stranger than the Indian astrology but the prediction will be the same.
It varies from person to person.Many believe them and many of them may not believe in all those.I think that astrologer cannot change one's life.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Whole world believes in astrology. Western astrology is much stranger than the Indian astrology but the prediction will be the same.

Your post includes the fallacy and self contradictory nature of astrology. True science is universal and never Indian or European, Easter or Western. Physics, chemistry and Maths are just Science- not Indian or western. But Astrology is Indian and Western types both. Hence this is obviously false and meaningless. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The moment you start believing in Astrology, Palmistry and Horoscopes your life starts becoming limited and people become far too dependent on them.I have seen marriages being broken because of predictions and people doing all sorts of things in the name of warding off ill effects .Instead if thy simply carried on with their lives and looked for some practical solutions to find a way they would be much happier ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Whole world believes in astrology. Western astrology is much stranger than the Indian astrology but the prediction will be the same.

Your post includes the fallacy and self contradictory nature of astrology. True science is universal and never Indian or European, Easter or Western. Physics, chemistry and Maths are just Science- not Indian or western. But Astrology is Indian and Western types both. Hence this is obviously false and meaningless. .

Mark I have mentioned that the prediction will be the same be it Indian or western astrology. The difference lies only in the way they present it to the others. It is not fake. If your date of birth, birth time and birth place is correct, the prediction will be 100% correct. Yes I agree that some astrologers are wrong. They do wrong predictions and cheat people because they are fake. Keeping aside these factor, astrology is just a subject which can predict your future. It can never be wrong. It is part of our Indian culture which is valued by the foreigners. Research is going on in this subject. Foreigners come to India and learn sanskrit to understand this subject in much better way. This subject is more developed and its higher study is presently not available in India. It's PhD lectures are given in Singapore, France, America and China.
It varies from person to person.Many believe them and many of them may not believe in all those.I think that astrologer cannot change one's life.

It is human beings who are responsible for what happens in their life. Astrology can help you and guide but it cannot change your life. It is your duty and responsibility to work hard and change your life. Astrologers can just predict your past, present and future. They can let you know your positive and negative aspects of life. They can give you remedy which can make your feel better and relax even in worst situations. It can make you pray to God and be holy. Astrology is not a magic.
Sanskrit is no doubt a gateway to great ancient Indian literature and knowledge. We need not bother about western endorsement or denial of rich Indian heritage.

India contributed to astronomy (not astrology), mathematics, medical science. we are proud of this. West also made contribution to human knowledge, science, technology. The entire humanity is proud of achievements of human race- irrespective of Indian or western origin.

However, we must not accept the fake and baseless science like astrology- Indian or American. Both are equally false. Apart from astrology, there are Indian and foreign makes of the other pseudo sciences- namely palmistry, numerology etc. I wonder whether there is some science that could foretell on basis of quantity and quality of hair in human head. some clever Pundit may one day invent such science and name this as hairology. All these need be discarded irrespective of Indian or western origin. It makes no difference what the foreign countries view about these false sciences. Western are not more rational and wise than Indians. There are wise people in India and abroad. similarly, there are superstitious and irrational in India and abroad.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I also believe in Nakshatra calculation. Its also effect our life . Good nakshatra means good luck.

Santosh Kumar Singh



In south Indian astrology, nakshatra prediction is more important in all cases. There are 27 nakshatras which are categorised into 3 - masculine, feminine and enunch. It is very interesting topic.
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