Hello Friends :)

I have Disqus feature as comment section in my blog. Disqus is feature for commenting , if we put it on our blog our default commenting section from the blogger (or any other blogging service) will be removed and disqus commenting section will take part... (Disqus is quite unique concept of commenting, it give discussing kind of experience in this section too)

So now as my blog is having Disqus, that old commenting section is not there.. My all blog comment is coming via disqus....

But still I am getting few normal comment which is impossible.. Blogger is directly sending those kind of comment in spam section.. bUt still I am wonder that how can those spammers can give comment on normal comment section on my blog which is no more in my blog!? Any idea?! :huh:

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
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I would say that you should once again check the whole of it. Something wrong lies in the Disqus section.
I have opened a blog but not received any comment till now. Though it is getting a good page viewer.

Devyani... I double checked it and for me it is working fine. I have asked one of my friend too and he also told me that Disqus on my blog working fine... I don't know how can those spammers still comment on normal commenting section as its not their now!!!

RAM.. Well, How much page views you are getting in a day? Approx?

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
I removed comment tag from my blog header after that traffic improved but on post comments is on.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Santosh.. I didn't got you here.. You mean you have removed comment section from your blog or what? And how can it help to increase the traffic?!

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Santosh.. I didn't got you here.. You mean you have removed comment section from your blog or what? And how can it help to increase the traffic?!

AKP with out comment we can maintain blog. I think there is no use of comment section in blog. This wont take place in bringing traffic to the blog.

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